Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Antigone is an admirable character. How far do you agree...

Antigone is a thoroughly admirable character. How far do you agree with this statement? Throughout the play, Antigone is presented as an audacious and unorthodox female character, whose actions depict her independence and confidence. She dismisses the rules which she believes are false, and honourably battles against her uncles rule to bring justice to her slaughtered brother; her original intentions suggest how important family relationships are to her. However, Antigones reckless behaviour often causes inconsistency in her beliefs. Majorly, nearing the end of her life, she begins to regret all her deeds of which she had once glorified. Antigones initial self-confidence and independence has been replaced with regret and†¦show more content†¦For example, when threatened with the bleak future of a death penalty, her reply that it would be more of an advantage to die. Although her character may not have been expected by an Ancient Greek audience, her unique and unorthodox character (when compared with the typical stereotype of an Ancient Greek woman) would have been admired. Finally, Sophocles shows Antigone to be a passionate religious citizen, who chooses to obey the unwritten, unassailable laws of the divine rather than the short-lived laws of humans. In this way, her undying respect for the gods give her a character similar to a saint or a martyr; she expresses very clearly her acceptance of dying for obeying the words of the gods. This particularly gives Antigone an admirable character, as religion and obeying the gods wishes were viewed as necessities in Ancient Greek life. By showing that she is willing to disobey her own citys king, Antigone appears set to be favoured by the gods for her loyalty. However, Antigones character is very reckless and hotheaded; her swift decisions and ambitious actions often cause contradictory emotions and actions. One prime example relates with the theme of family relationships; Antigone feels that she is noble when honouring [her] own flesh and blood. Although this ,ay be true in her conflict for bringing justice to Polyneices, she becomes increasingly cold, distant and rude to her only survivingShow MoreRelatedFeminism : A Feminist Perspective1965 Words   |  8 Pagesopinions of this delicate topic causing some people to change their minds where as others will just add more fuel to their own fire by making their beliefs even stronger for the next time they wish to defend their thoughts and ideas. Those people who stand by their strong supportive thoughts, ideas, and beliefs on the topic of feminism are known as a feminist’s. These feminists are strong believers for gender equality but most importantly empowering and celebrating women. Feminism dates as far back asRead MoreMoral Lessons in Antigone3823 Words   |  16 PagesThe play Antigone was written by Sophocles around four hundred forty B.C.E, in the height of the golden age of Greece. Theater was then, as it is now, a medium through which to implicate the outlooks of its writer and to examine moral issues, whilst providing entertainment. The subjects discussed through theater were often deeply rooted in the dialogue of the characters in the plays and struck the chords of the audience such that enlightenment could take place, and in that day and age this purpose

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